
Monday, September 23


As usual, the carousers of our building awakened us with door-buzzing and talking and laughter around 4:15 or 4:30. Good timing, since we had to be up and on our way. We left around 5:15,  caught the 5:30 #14 tram to Republic Square, then the airport shuttle at 6:00. We had to line up 4 separate times: British Consular Services, BA counter, Czech exit and security. That took a while, but we still had about 30 minutes in the boarding lounge.

On the shuttle we chatted with an Australian woman who was visiting her daughter. The daughter has been at school in Europe for a year and is soon leaving for a 4-month stay in Vancouver. They have both obviously travelled a lot, as Australians seem to.

The flight to London was uneventful. Now we’re sitting at Heathrow waiting for our gate to be announced. It’s nice to (more or less) understand the PA announcements. It’s been a terrific holiday, and fuelled my desire to see more places. The best part, always, is walking the streets, sitting in the parks and cafés and seeing life go on in a strange place. Grocery shopping.

This morning, the 5:30 traffic around Prague was very interesting. Many of the trams were full and there were quite a few trucks (garbage, delivery) and pedestrians, but very few cars. Walking near the river, we saw some buildings with all the stucco off the bottom several feet. We were told that some parts of the subway will re-open by November, but others not until January. Some lines are running, but none near the river. Passing anywhere near the entrances to metro stations, the smell of flood is very strong. Since most of the stations have shops, etc., there’s still traffic through them, but much less than usual. Tram lines are running between metro stations, as well as extra busses.

Since the city has such a non-grid layout – really spokes out from randomly-distributed squares, navigation is tough. We were lost more than once. Larry says “not lost” just in the wrong place. However, after a few days even I got to know our main routes. I think I could master the system in a couple of weeks.

Prague Photos 18-23 September 2002

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Vienna & Prague 12-23 September 2002

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